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Child Welfare in Sport

Child welfare in sport is of paramount importance, especially within a youth football club. Our club prioritizes the safety and well-being of every young athlete entrusted to our care. Our policies regarding child welfare are designed to create a secure and nurturing environment where children can flourish both on and off the field. By adhering to these policies, we ensure that all interactions between coaches, staff, and players are conducted with the utmost professionalism and respect. We believe that safeguarding children not only protects them from harm but also fosters an atmosphere of trust and confidence, allowing them to fully enjoy their football experience and reach their full potential.

"Safeguarding Our Youth: Bristol Central Youth Football Club's Commitment"

Bristol Central Youth Football Club is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of safety and protection for our young players. Aligned with The FA's Respect programme, we ensure that football is enjoyed in a secure and positive environment by all participants, from U6 to U18 (School Year 1-11).


We expect every player, parent/guardian, and club official to strictly adhere to our Code of Conduct at all times.

In accordance with the government's "Every Child Matters: Change for Children" programme, we recognize the importance of implementing safeguards. For more information on safeguarding children in sports, please visit or


At Bristol Central Youth Football Club, we understand our clear responsibility towards young people. Therefore, we have appointed a dedicated Club Welfare Officer (CWO) to oversee safeguarding procedures and ensure the well-being of our players.

Club Welfare Officer Role?

Club Welfare Officers have two key roles:


Be informed and aware of the league or club’s responsibilities when running football activities for children and young people. For example:


  • ensuring these responsibilities are well understood by others

  • developing best practice processes.


Helping league and club personnel understand their ‘duty of care’ towards children and young people. For example:


  • ensuring all relevant people complete The FA’s ‘Safeguarding Children’ training programme

  • helping to make sure trips away are organised properly

  • managing the roll out of FA CRB checks.


The Club Welfare Officer sits on the Club Committee and knows all of the Club’s coaches and managers.

Our Club Welfare Officer

Our dedicated Welfare Officer, Debbe Whitcliffe. Debbe is committed to ensuring the well-being and support of all our club members. For any concerns, advice, or assistance, please reach out to her at

Get Certified

Use the form below to start the CRB application process

CRB Check Application Form

Whether you are a coach or volunteer ALL staff MUST be CRB checked. In order to start this process you need a FAN number which you can acquire from the FA Website. Please confirm all references above have been read and understood. Submitting this form confirms you agree to the club terms and conditions

Tick to confirm you have read

Thanks for completing your application. Our Welfare Officer will be in touch soon.

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